American Beverage Statement on Passage of The Packaging Waste and Cost Reduction Act to Establish Extended Producer Responsibility System in Minnesota

Posted May. 22, 2024

WASHINGTON – Statement from American Beverage Association President and CEO Kevin Keane on the passage of The Packaging Waste and Cost Reduction Act in Minnesota: 

“We applaud Minnesota lawmakers and Governor Walz for enacting well-designed Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legislation, helping set a strong standard for effective collection systems. This bold solution will collect more recyclable materials, create local jobs and help protect the environment without burdening Minnesota residents.  

“The Minnesota EPR legislation is modeled after successful EPR programs that create a circular system for packaging. These systems ensure producers fund and operate the system and have access to their recovered materials so they can be turned into new products. They also provide fair and appropriate government oversight and accountability. Importantly, this producer-led system will be financially sustainable and convenient for Minnesotans. 

“With this step, Minnesota joins Colorado as a leader in passing legislation that gets these essential components right.  

“One of our industry’s highest priorities is creating a circular economy for our valuable, recyclable bottles and cans. We look forward to working with all stakeholders to stand up a well-designed EPR program in Minnesota.” 
