Coca-Cola, Dr Pepper and Pepsi are working together to give families more beverage choices with less sugar. This unprecedented commitment is having a positive impact in communities nationwide. Grocery aisles are changing, offering more options with zero- or reduced-sugar, with clear calorie labels designed to help consumers choose a beverage that fits their needs. Through marketing, advertising, in-store displays and sampling, these beverage companies are promoting options that consumers have asked for and are providing the tools they need to make balanced choices. Working alongside the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, and other trusted national and local organizations, we're contributing to the good health of communities everywhere - assuring families that they are supported in their efforts to reduce their sugar intake.

America's beverage companies are deeply committed to this effort, and by working together they will accomplish more. Watch and listen to the real stories behind this initiative, the largest voluntary effort by any industry to help fight obesity.