There is a reason water is known as the “essence of life.” It is absolutely essential to the proper functioning of our bodies which are 60% water. Every cell in our bodies needs water which regulates temperature, heart rate and blood pressure and maintains normal bodily functions. And water keeps skin healthy, vibrant and less prone to wrinkles. 

When it’s hot and/or when we exert ourselves, we lose water through perspiration. We also lose water through the digestive process and even through breathing. Doctors and nutritionists advocate taking in about a half gallon of water daily. So it’s a good thing there are plenty of options in the beverage aisle from which to choose. And did you know that regular soft drinks are 90% water by volume, while diet drinks are 99% water? And bottled water is….well, 100% water.  

All these options make staying hydrated easy. Find your choice and enjoy!