As we head into the Memorial Day holiday, many in New Hampshire will spend the long weekend enjoying the state’s 944 lakes. The New Hampshire beverage industry values these state treasures and is committed to helping keep them pristine so that generations to come can enjoy them as we do today.

In fact, members of the New Hampshire beverage industry recently visited the statehouse in Concord to discuss how they are working to preserve the state’s natural beauty and resources by supporting recycling efforts and environmental sustainability. While they were there, they had the opportunity to showcase the industry’s many low and zero sugar options available to consumers. Many even took the chance to sample of a few!

Besides doing their part to be good stewards of the environment, the beverage industry has an impressive economic footprint in the state. Beverage companies and their suppliers are responsible for more than 3,000 jobs in the New Hampshire and the industry has a direct economic impact of nearly $545 million. That’s something we’re proud of!