In a recent editorial from The Salem News, the editorial board encouraged voters to oppose the expansion of the bottle deposit law in Massachusetts this November.  Here’s an excerpt from the editorial:

“Question 2: Expanding the beverage container deposit law — No.

Better known as the 'bottle bill,' this law requires a 5 cent deposit on certain carbonated beverage containers, which consumers redeem when they return the containers to designated locations. This proposed law would expand the deposit requirement to containers for all nonalcoholic, noncarbonated drinks, excepting dairy products, infant formula and FDA-approved medicines.

A 'no' vote keeps the current law the same.

Many consumers simply don’t bother returning their bottles. They forgo their nickels and toss their bottles in with the recycling — either picked up curbside or dropped off at community centers with other recyclables. And that’s just the way the state likes it — pocketing $30 million worth of your unclaimed nickels every year.

Expanding the bottle bill would not only boost the state’s take but impose $60 million in annual costs on the economy, opponents say. It’s a convincing argument. Let’s leave the bottle bill as it is and focus on expanding recycling opportunities.”

We agree, and hope you do to.  To read the full editorial, click here.  And let us know what thought you have on Facebook and Twitter!