Today marks a day not only of celebration, but also looking forward to making positive changes in our daily lives.  In light of this, we at Sip & Savor would like to make some recommendations on both fronts.

First, we know that New Year’s Eve can be quite a celebration.  Some may choose to stand out in the cold in Times Square to watch the ball drop; some may stay at home and celebrate with family and friends; and others may choose to ring in the New Year at a local bar or tavern.  Whatever your choice, please celebrate responsibly. And for those of you who are honorably taking on the role of designated driver tonight, our industry makes myriad refreshing beverages that can help you celebrate in a non-alcoholic way.

Now, when midnight strikes, a large percentage of the population will have committed to following through on a New Year’s resolution or two – once they recover from their New Year’s Eve outings of course.  We know that sticking to a resolution can be a difficult challenge.  Our advice for all, regardless of whether or not you have an official resolution, is to make 2011 a year where you enjoy a variety of foods and beverages in moderation and get regular physical exercise.  These are the keys to living a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

So for tonight – have fun and be safe.  And for 2011, good luck with your resolutions, whatever they may be!
