Today is America Recycles Day, the only nationally recognized day dedicated to the promotion of recycling. Recycling is an issue that our industry takes very seriously, and our member companies are doing a lot to help promote awareness of its importance.  After all, we all need to do our part to protect and preserve our planet for generations to come.

There are lots of ways to take part in this special day; and if you visit the America Recycles Day website, you can plug in your zip code to find out what’s happening in your community. You can also take the pledge to learn about recycling options in your community and reduce your personal waste.

If you don’t know about the recycling options available in your local community, you can often find out by visiting the website of your local department of public works or  We also encourage you to visit the Recycle Together website to find out all kinds of things about recycling, and to read about some interesting efforts underway around the country. You can also read more about recycling by visiting our issue site.

It’s all about three very important words:  reduce, reuse, recycle! So today, and every day, remember to “Think Inside the Bin” and recycle your favorite beverage containers – they are made from 100 percent recyclable packaging.  And while you’re at it, don’t forget about all of your other recyclables – from newspapers and magazines to laundry containers and more.