Every once in a while, we like to share an article that we find interesting.  Today, it’s the “Five Myths” column from Sunday’s Washington Post. Reason magazine Managing Editor Katherine Mangu-Ward takes on “Five Myths About Healthy Eating” and provides “a helping of skepticism about the causes of Americans’ poor eating habits — and the effectiveness of political fixes.”

While we hope you take a few minutes to read the column, we also wanted to remind you about a few things our industry is doing to be part of the solution to childhood obesity.  With our School Beverage Guidelines we’ve removed full-calorie soft drinks from all schools and replaced them with more lower-calorie, smaller-portion beverage options. And in support of First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move!” campaign, we’re placing new calorie labels on every bottle, can and pack we produce - so you can make the choice that’s right for you.