Today, at The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C., six mayors were selected to receive $445,000 in grants to support outstanding programs in their cities that encourage balanced diet choices and regular physical activity.

The winning cities are Las Vegas, Nev.; Columbia, S.C.; Waterloo, Iowa; Phoenix, Ariz.; Gresham, Ore.; and Huntington, W.Va.

“The health and welfare of our young people is always our Mayors’ top priority,” said Tom Cochran, USCM CEO and executive director.  “From improving walkability in neighborhoods to bringing nutrition and cooking curricula into schools, Mayors across the country are designing innovative strategies to make sure our kids understand how to eat healthy and stay active and fit.”

America’s beverage industry has a long history of being engaged in our communities because we know we can be a force for good in our states, cities, towns and neighborhoods. Our partnership with the USCM to support these awards through the Childhood Obesity Prevention Program is one more way we can help our communities be better places to live, work and grow. Funded by the American Beverage Foundation for a Healthy America, the program has awarded more than $1.8 million in grants to date.

We congratulate these mayors and their cities and wish them much success with their programs. Learn more about the winning mayors’ programs here.