It’s that time of the year - after all the holiday parties, gift exchanges and merry making have passed, it’s time to refocus and set some goals for the New Year.

There are no right or wrong New Year’s resolutions, the key is to make them attainable and give yourself some flexibility. Some may resolve to spend more time with family, join a gym or volunteer. And, if you’re watching what you eat and drink in 2012, we have good news for you. Our industry provides myriad beverage choices in a wide range of sizes and calorie counts, all of which can be a part of a balanced, active and healthy lifestyle. From sports drinks, to diet and regular soft drinks, to ready-to-drink teas and bottled waters, our member companies provide so many beverage options that you are sure to be satisfied all year round.

Whatever your 2012 resolutions may be, remember to have a safe, happy and hydrated New Year!