Our nation’s mayors recently gathered in Boston for their annual meeting to discuss the pressing issues cities and towns are facing across our country. One of the biggest challenges communities are working to address today is rising rates of obesity. America’s beverage companies are proud to support mayors who are taking innovative approaches to tackling obesity in their communities, and we were happy to be on hand at the meeting to showcase the steps our industry is taking to be a part of the solution.

For the past six years, the American Beverage Foundation for a Healthy America and the American Beverage Association have partnered with the U.S. Conference of Mayors to sponsor the  Childhood Obesity Prevention Awards. Each year six winning cities are selected by an independent panel of judges for grant awards to support creative and impactful programs to combat childhood obesity. USCM president Steve Benjamin, mayor of Columbia, S.C., announced at the recent meeting that the awards partnership has been renewed for another three years and kicked off the latest round for award applications.

 At the meeting, mayors were also able to learn more about our Beverage Calories Initiative to cut the beverage calories consumed per person 20 percent by 2025.  And they had the opportunity to sample some of the great-tasting low- and zero-sugar beverages and smaller portion sizes we’re offering to consumers to help them manage their sugar intake.

 We salute America’s mayors who are rolling up their sleeves and doing the hard work to make a difference in their communities. We believe that if government, private sector, public health and others work together we can achieve stronger and healthier communities. To learn more about past award winners and for information on how to apply for a future award visit https://www.usmayors.org/childhood-obesity-prevention/.