As part of the Balance Calories Initiative (BCI), America’s beverage companies are taking action to reduce sugar in the American diet by offering more choices with less sugar and smaller portion sizes.  The latest report by independent evaluator Keybridge LLC shows that through product innovation and national marketing campaigns, these actions are delivering real results with significant reductions in the sugar and calories consumers are getting from beverages.

The 2019 BCI National Progress report shows that since the start of BCI, beverage calories per person have decreased by 5.6%.  Progress made in 2019 demonstrates the largest single-year calorie reduction since BCI was launched, and the third consecutive year of notable calorie declines. And these calorie reductions occurred even though volume sales of beverages per person went up in 2019, a clear result that these better way solutions to encourage people to try lower- and zero-calorie options are working.

Our work to provide families with more choices continues as America’s leading beverage companies develop new and reformulated beverages and packaging, get the word out with television ads and in-store displays, work with retailers in local communities who know their customers best, and partner with community health organizations around the country to keep achieving these results.  Together, we can ensure families have the options they need to make the choices that are right for themselves and their families.

Visit to learn more about the Balance Calories Initiative and the industry’s continued actions to encourage balanced lifestyles.