The countdown is on and we at Sip & Savor are thrilled to spread the news about InterBev 2010. Three months from this week, America's premier beverage event will be in full swing down in Orlando, Fla. Together with the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA), the American Beverage Association is busy preparing for this year's show which is to be held September 22 through 24.

With more than 300 exhibitors, InterBev LIVE! events, education sessions and an array of networking opportunities, there will be plenty to see and do. And attendees shouldn’t miss out on one of our favorite attractions: the beverage bar, which offers a sampling of new products to taste.

We're also looking forward to the first annual InterBev Beverage Innovation Awards which will showcase innovative products, new ideas and best practices for the industry.

For more information on the show, please go to and register here.