United States Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue testified before the House Committee on Agriculture today and shared his general philosophy of running one of the country’s largest federal departments:  “Do good and feed everyone.” 

Perdue recognizes that Americans are blessed with the world’s safest, most nutritious, abundant, and affordable food supply on earth.  As a farmer and veterinarian, he understands firsthand the variety of food choices we enjoy every day and he knows nutrition is key to good health.

In his appearance before the Committee, Secretary Perdue was asked about food restrictions in the SNAP program. He said he doesn’t think government should become the “nanny state” and said nutrition education is key to empowering families to make choices that fit their needs.

Here at Sip and Savor, we agree with Secretary Perdue’s common-sense approach. Because we know families make choices every day.  We’re committed to innovation, choice and transparent labeling programs. More choices, smaller portions and less sugar – proudly brought to you by America’s beverage companies.