Here in the nation's capital, we're feeling a bit of a chill in the air. Over the weekend, temperatures dropped to more than 20 degrees below normal for this time of year. And while the outdoor air may be quite refreshing after summer's extraordinary heat, it won't be long until many of us are daydreaming about lazy days at the beach.

Until then, we encourage you to take advantage of the great outdoors. There are plenty of options for family fun and fitness - walking, hiking, biking and more. In fact, it's a perfect time for a family bike ride.  Check out some local trails and see the leaves changing to beautiful shared or orange and red - or perhaps take a ride to a nearby farmer's market to pick up some of the wonderful produce the season has to offer. Then go home and enjoy your selections by making soup or taking advantage of the last days of grilling.

However you choose to enjoy this cold snap, remember the importance of eating a variety of foods and beverages in moderation and engaging in regular physical activity. After all, these are the keys to a healthy, active and balanced lifestyle.