If you are a frequent visitor of Sip & Savor, you have read a lot about taxes over the years: bottle taxes, soda taxes, beverage taxes, etc.  We have long been saying that discriminatory taxes will not work to solve complex problems - whether they are fiscal such as a state deficit or social, like combating obesity. Recently, we have been sharing others’ statistics and opinions on taxes as well.

Today, we continue to paint the bigger picture on taxes by sharing the opinion of the Baltimore Sun editorial board. Baltimore currently has a bottle tax in place, and recently there has been talk about raising that tax in an effort to fund school construction and repairs.   According to the Baltimore Sun, “the council should be in no such rush” to pass legislation without fully considering “whether this plan is the best, most effective way to tackle the capital needs of Baltimore schools.”

You can read the full opinion here. And don’t forget to share your opinion and participate in the poll on the bottle tax increase.