From time to time here at Sip & Savor we come across articles and columns that really strike right at the heart of what we believe is important and timely as it relates to our industry.  Today we read across a column by Julie Gunlock that drives home the reasons to oppose taxing soft drinks and other beverages and why singling out any one food or beverage as the sole cause of obesity is ridiculous.

Here’s her conclusion, which wraps it up nicely:

“As Americans consider a variety of important issues this November, they should also focus on this question: What is the appropriate role of government when it comes to our personal food decisions? While efforts to tax and regulate the food and beverage industry are promoted as a means to help Americans stay healthy, the result won’t be thinner kids or healthier adults. The result will simply be more bloated government, higher food costs and less choice for consumers who just want a cool soft drink on a hot summer day.”

So, if you have a few minutes today, check it out.  And let us know what you think on Facebook and Twitter.