We here at Sip & Savor read a column this morning that acknowledges the misinformation that exists regarding our industry and its products. Julie Gunlock’s recent column in the Los Angeles Times discusses personal freedoms versus government overreach as they relate to food and beverage consumption. In “Keep the state off my plate,” Gunlock brings to light the fact that overreaching regulations and bans already in effect have not had the intended result of reducing obesity.

Gunlock writes:

“Research confirms these government efforts are generally ineffective. …those four states with soda-specific sin taxes? They rank among the most obese states in the nation. So much for the government's war on obesity.”

In contrast, the beverage industry is taking positive steps to help address the complex problem of obesity – in ways that are having a real and lasting impact. With our national School Beverage Guidelines, we voluntarily removed full-calorie soft drinks from all K-12 schools and replaced them with lower-calorie, smaller-portion choices, driving a 90 percent reduction in beverage calories shipped to schools. Providing more low- and no-calorie beverages in the broader marketplace helped drive a 23 percent reduction in average calories per serving since 1998. And our Clear on Calories initiative placed clear calorie labels on the front of every can, bottle and pack we produce. This is all part of our ongoing efforts to help consumers make the beverage choice that’s right for them.

We hope you will take a moment to check out Julie Gunlock’s piece. And visit our Facebook and Twitter pages to let us know what you think.