As the new school year approaches, children everywhere are dreading the end of summer and gearing up for new grade levels and new classes. One thing that won’t be surprising is the beverage landscape in your child’s school.

We understand that parents aren’t at school with their kids to help them choose a beverage, so we made a commitment to remove full-calorie sodas from schools and replace them with a range of lower-calorie and smaller-portion choices. With the help of the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, our School Beverage Guidelines reduced beverage calories shipped to schools by 90 percent. This voluntary step by the beverage industry later helped form the basis of the beverage component of USDA’s regulations for foods and beverages sold in schools.

We at Sip & Savor hope you enjoy the final few weeks of summer and wish all of the students, teachers and parents getting ready to head back to class a successful school year!

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