We at Sip & Savor often have shared tips on physical fitness - an important part of  leading a balanced lifestyle.

As the federal tax filing deadline approaches and families have been taking a look at what they spent and saved last year, we thought today would be a good opportunity to take a look at financial fitness.   After all, April is not only the month federal income taxes are due; it is also National Financial Literacy Month.

In recent years as Americans have faced challenging economic times, this subject has gotten considerably more attention.  There are dozens of ways Americans can obtain helpful information - from online websites to magazines, broadcast and cable programs and newspaper personal finance columnists.  And for the next generation, the subject is part of the curriculum in many schools.

Using your favorite search engine, you’ll find online budget plans, tips, spending calculators and answers to common questions.  If you’d like to check out your knowledge, there are plenty of financial literacy IQ tests.

Americans across the nation have taken stock and have applied more discipline to their spending and saving habits.  As the family budget has been discussed around the kitchen table, Americans also have been paying close attention to government spending habits.  Hard-working families are holding their own during these tough economic times by spending responsibly and they want lawmakers to do the same —not squeeze them further with new taxes.