"Susan Boyle, you can go back to your village with your head held high...it's three yeses." And with that, we're all relearning the lesson that dreams really can come true.

She's 47, unemployed, lives alone with her cat (named Pebbles) and has never been kissed. But she's got a big dream and a bigger voice and she's showing the world what you can do if follow your heart.

Susan Boyle sang, "I Dreamed a Dream" from the musical Les Miserables on Britain's Got Talent this past weekend and wowed the judges, the live audience, and now more than 12 million people around the globe.

Susan's singing is inspiring. And timely.

Sip & Savor hasn't seen the musical, but has read the book (and seen the movie), and remember that Fantine (the character who sings "I Dreamed a Dream" in the musical) is beaten down by life - but believes her life can have purpose - so she gives everything she has, including herself, to provide for her daughter Cosette.

Eventually she gets sick, but dies in peace when promised by Jean Valjean promises to care for Cosette. Her life has meant something.

Now in America, news isn't so good. Another 610,000 people had to file for unemployment. More than six million Americans filed continuing claims last week. And the unemployment rate is at 8.5 percent across the country.

Beverage companies are going through the same challenges as many other industries. But this isn't the first recession our brands have seen. And they know how to weather these economic storms. However, we all will lose, if the government, in their zeal to get more money, raises taxes and fees on every day products - like non-alcoholic beverages - that families use. With every tax proposal, jobs are put at risk, and when jobs are lost, so is a little bit of our hope.

Our companies are proud to be American-based. And proud to have brought jobs and services and community spirit to towns and villages across the nation. Let's hope the government let's them continue to do that.

So thank you Susan Boyle, for bringing a little bit of sunshine to our lives this week. We all could use some hope. And a reason to keep our heads held high.