By the next time you read Sip & Savor, many of you will have gained an hour due to Daylight Saving Time. As our clocks “fall back” this weekend, that extra hour can present a golden opportunity to get a head start on your Sunday morning. If you don’t plan on sleeping in, perhaps you can skip the “snooze” button and use the additional 60 minutes for a little exercise.  Why not get in a morning jog, take a bike ride, or even take advantage of the beautiful weather (although not in the Northeast) to rake leaves with the family?  You can even use the time to get your house in-order before the holidays.  One way to do so is by checking the batteries on your carbon monoxide detector, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While you’re at it, we suggest that you check your smoke detector, too. And if you don’t have either, use the time to make a purchase to protect your family and your home. By the time Sunday evening rolls around, you’ll be ready to kick back, watch some football and enjoy your favorite refreshing beverage!