There are some public health activists who believe taxes will solve our nation’s public health woes. What they fail to recognize is that they are regressive and won’t make people healthier.

In a piece written for Americans for Tax Reform, Sergio J. Monreal questions the effectiveness of soda taxes and who really pays the price of such measures.

“While some government bureaucrats foolishly believe that increasing the price of sugary drinks will decrease people’s appetite, in fact a Tax Foundation study found the opposite: ‘Soda and candy taxes do not necessarily decrease caloric intake',” writes Monreal.

Jason Fletcher, an economist at the University of Wisconsin has reached the same conclusion stating, “The evidence demonstrates that large increases in soda taxes are unlikely to reduce caloric intake.”

If these soda taxes won’t affect public health, who do they affect then?

“Low and middle-income families who cannot possibly afford to pay any more taxes,” says Monreal.

That’s right. A tax on common grocery items like beverages will only harm local businesses and consumers, while doing nothing to improve public health.

Have more questions about soda taxes? Visit The Truth About Beverage Taxes.