A Wall Street Journal “panel of experts” recently discussed a topic that is controversial both in and around Washington, D.C.: the role of government – specifically government’s role in combating obesity.  As political rhetoric often goes, the discussion was colored by lots of different insights and opinions. If you have time, the full text of the discussion is certainly worth a read.

Here at Sip & Savor, we thought this article was worth sharing because of its positive message. Unlike many discussions before it, the experts’ generally agree that real steps toward reversing obesity should focus on a holistic approach such as educating early, long term interventions and access - not through regressive or punitive measures like a ban, tax or limits.

We agree.

The beverage industry has already been doing our part, working toward a solution to obesity through comprehensive initiatives and partnerships. Our member companies offer more no- and low-calorie, smaller-portion beverage options than ever before. In support of First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move!” Initiative, we placed clear calorie labels on the front of every can, bottle and pack so consumers have the information they need to make the choice that’s right for them. And in schools, we voluntarily removed full-calorie soft drinks in vending machines and replace them with smaller portion, low- and no-calorie options, bottled water, milk and 100 percent juice.

So, here’s the good news: these initiatives are in place and working. You can see them in the beverage aisle at the grocery store or in the school vending machine.  These positive, solution-oriented measures have led to a real change in our nation’s schools and in the broader marketplace.

Learn more about how we’re delivering meaningful solutions at DeliveringChoices.org