Academic research studies have all reached same conclusion – taxes on soda are regressive and they don’t make people any healthier. In a recent piece for the NewBostonPost, Julie Gunlock of Independent Women’s Forum breaks down why a tax on a common grocery item like beverages is misguided and harmful.

Gunlock notes a study from researchers at Cornell University that found people who do reduce soda consumption will generally only substitute the calories with calories from other foods and beverages.

Gunlock also points out that besides having no positive impact on obesity, “these taxes impact those who live at and under the poverty line the most because a larger percentage of their income goes to food and beverage purchases, which may include sugar-sweetened drinks.”

“Demonizing single ingredients — in this case the sugar in sodas — ignores the complexity of obesity and it’s many causes,” concludes Gunlock.

We agree. Singling out one grocery item or product is not a solution to obesity. Instead, we should be working together to provide consumers the information and choices they need to make the best decisions for their family.