With the warm months upon us, there's no doubt that it is increasingly important to stay hydrated throughout the day. One beverage choice to help with that is bottled water. It's a healthy beverage that is convenient and portable. And despite what you may hear from some of our industry's critics, bottled water is much more than just tap water. In fact, ABA has a water issues site that has a nifty water comparison chart. Sip & Savor highly suggests you check it out. With an easy "drag & drop" feature, you can easily find out the source, collection method and treatment for your favorite kind of bottled water - whether spring, purified, mineral, artesian or sparkling. No matter your preference, the non-alcoholic beverage industry has a bottled water for you.

And while you're visiting the site, check out our water use comparison. You'll find that our industry is an extremely efficient user of water resources. Even though water is a key ingredient in all of our products, our industry accounts for only 3/100ths of 1 percent of all public water usage. That's just a drop in the bucket.

So take some time to learn more about our products - as well as our industry's environmental stewardship. And if bottled water isn't your beverage of choice, our industry provides a variety of other options - from soft drinks to 100 percent juice, energy drinks to sports drinks. You can learn all about the bevy of options on our products site.