For some, Black Friday marks the beginning of holiday shopping season. But if you’re not up for the challenge of battling crowds at the mall, then maybe you should consider jump-starting what will surely be your New Year’s resolution: shedding those holiday pounds.

This time of year brings us all joy, gladness and too many delicious treats. Wouldn’t it be great if you could enjoy them knowing that you’re balancing those extra calories in with increased calories out? The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends 30 minutes of physical aerobic activity daily for adults ages 18-64, so take charge of your health this holiday season, and begin getting active today!

If you have a gym membership, go there. We’re sure you won’t be alone. Or if you’d rather take the economic route to weight loss, a simple internet search can guide you to sites with tips on staying in shape during the winter months. You can also find numerous online calculators and apps to help you track the number of calories you burn.

Whatever the activity in which you choose to get involved, always remember to practice any fitness program safely, check with your physician when appropriate and hydrate properly.