It’s that time of the year again. The seasons are changing; the weather is getting cooler, and the days shorter.  And with it: the inevitable cold and flu season.   We have all felt it.  It starts with a scratchy throat, a runny nose, an irritating cough, and pretty soon: full-blown misery.

But not to worry! This year, we here at Sip & Savor have plenty of tips for preventing a cold this winter and advice for a speedy recovery from one.

Both health professionals and moms alike will agree a fundamental part of getting over your cold or warding one off is to drink plenty of fluids.   Luckily, our member companies produce a wide variety of beverages to help you through your cold - from antioxidant-rich teas to soothe your sore throat, to juices that contain vitamin C to boost your immune system, to fizzy ginger ales and lemon-lime sodas to settle an upset stomach.   The Institute of Medicine recommends that adult men and women should aim for 11-16 cups of total fluids a day, so drink up to stay hydrated and healthy.

There are a few more tips for preventing a cold or shortening the length of your cold we should mention as well. Very importantly, wash your hands often to keep yourself healthy, and avoid passing on germs to someone else. Also, always try to sneeze and cough into a tissue or your elbow, but not your hands. Keep a regular exercise routine when you are healthy, and get plenty of rest if you are sick.

We hope you find these tips helpful and enjoy a happy, healthy, hydrated fall and winter!