Summer is here and temperatures across the nation continue to climb. During this time of year, one favorite American treat to help us all cool off is the ice cream soda, also known as a float.

After its invention by Robert Green in 1874 by Robert Green, the ice cream soda became widely popular among children and teenagers.  So much so in fact that, in some places, it was forbidden to be sold on Sundays because the “bubbles in the drink made it too exciting for a Sunday.” Hence a new treat was served on what was known as “soda’s day of rest,” a sundae.

Although there are some traditionalists who still prefer the root beer float, there are countless delicious combinations waiting to be discovered. In fact, you can start thinking about your next ice cream soda – or float – by visiting our “We’re Delivering” site where you can check out some of the many products our industry offers and come up with your own unique combination.