America’s beverage companies are committed to supporting people’s efforts to reduce the sugar they get from beverages. We have listened to our consumers and continue to offer them the information and options they need to achieve a balanced lifestyle.


Through our most recent commitment, the Balance Calories Initiative, America’s beverage companies are innovating to bring people a greater variety of choices so that there is something for everyone. From smaller portion sizes of long-time favorites to a wider selection of options with little or no sugar at all, our member companies are offering more choices than ever before. Through innovation like this along with reminders for people to think balance when choosing the beverage that fits their lifestyle, we are having a lasting impact on communities across the country.


We know solutions to public health issues, like obesity, are complex. That’s why we are doing the hard work and investing in communities, such as the Mississippi Delta, where these challenges are greatest in order to bring about real change.


To learn more about how America’s beverage companies are supporting people’s efforts find their balance, visit