Susan Neely, president and CEO of the American Beverage Association, recently spoke with a reporter from Jacksonville, Fla., television station WJXT about how America's beverage companies are working hard to reduce sugar and calories from beverages in the American diet.

"We have a challenge in this country with not just obesity but people living healthy and balanced lives," said Neely.

Through our Balance Calories Initiative, the single largest effort by an industry to address obesity, America's beverage companies are supporting people's efforts to achieve that balance. We're working to change what's in the beverage aisle, in coolers and offered at fountains to help cut the sugar and calories people get from beverages.

"We give you lots of choices in terms of size and taste and amount of calories but people need to exercise some judgement in how they enjoy them," said Neely.

With more options with less sugar or no sugar at all, smaller portion sizes and clear calorie labels on the front of all of our packaging, people are empowered to make informed choices that best fit their lifestyle. And that's the way to bring about real and lasting change.

View the clip here.