A proposed bill that would require warning labels on sugar-sweetened beverages failed in the California Assembly Health Committee last year and again in the Senate Health Committee in April.

Now, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors passed a discriminatory ordinance that will require beverage companies to place a warning label on posters and billboards that advertise sugar-sweetened beverages.

Yesterday, the New York City Health Department proposed a mandated warning label on menu items at chain restaurants despite recent warnings by a growing number of scientists that low salt consumption can be harmful.

When will lawmakers learn that these warning labels that single out one product or one ingredient will not help reduce obesity rates? Most importantly, these discriminatory labels are just not popular with the American people.

“Freedom to make your own choices is great, it's what this county is founded on and I think we need to stick to it. It works,” Tom Moore told KFVS12 while shopping at a gas station in Cape Girardeau, Mo.

“Wouldn't change my mind at all,” Moore said when asked if a warning label on beverages or salt warnings on menus would influence his purchases.

When it comes to the complex issue of obesity we need real solutions such as nutrition education that teaches people about the need to balance what you eat and drink with what they do. Our industry recognizes this and that’s why we are committed to providing consumers with the choices and information they need to achieve a balanced lifestyle.

To learn more about why government regulations won’t make people healthy check out YourCartYourChoice.com.