As the August vacation season winds down, we at Sip & Savor encourage you to fill out a September calendar ahead of time that will help ensure that summer’s physical activity and balanced diets live on.

Those monthly planners that are so indispensable at the office can help at home as well--not just for plugging in appointments and car pool duties, but for blocking out time for workouts and play, family meals and outings.

As you look ahead to your fall schedules, we also hope you’ll take a moment at the grocery store to check out the new calorie labels America’s beverage companies are adding to the front of every can, bottle and pack they produce.  With Clear on Calories, we’re working together to provide calorie information at consumers’ fingertips, so they can choose what’s right for themselves and their families.

These labels are now on many of your favorite beverages at stores around the country.  And as you do your post-vacation shopping, you’ll find myriad beverage options that our member companies produce including no- and low-calorie choices.