If you are a frequent reader of Sip & Savor, you have probably read about the many reasons why soda taxes are not a real solution to obesity. We’ve also noted that soda taxes lead to job loss. Today you may read something from a couple of researchers who allege otherwise. But we’d like to remind you that, no matter how you look at it – even if you look at their study, soda taxes mean fewer jobs.

Americans have made it clear they don't support taxes and other restrictions on common grocery items, like soft drinks. Soda taxes have unintended consequences on middle-class jobs and small businesses. For these and other reasons, tax proposals continue to fail wherever they are introduced.

We believe – and our experience has shown - that change happens when everyone works together - government, academia, healthcare and businesses like ours. That’s why our member companies have stepped up to be part of meaningful solutions to address childhood obesity. You can learn more about the many ways that our industry delivers by visiting DeliveringChoices.org.