Water has been a hot topic in the media lately – ranging from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to the boil water warning in Wellesley, Mass., to the drought in California.  We all know that water plays an important part in our lives beginning the very moment we start our day.

What many people may not know is that the beverage industry’s facilities account for a small portion of water use nationwide.  According to the United States Geological Survey, the largest water users in the United States are the irrigation and thermoelectric industries.

Although our industry accounts for a small fraction of our nation’s water use, we still make environmental responsibility and water conservation a top priority - whether it’s the design of our packaging or the way we ship our products.  By implementing state-of-the-art technologies, we are able to reduce energy and water usage, vehicle emissions and waste.

For more information on bottled water and our industry’s environmental stewardship, visit the water use comparison page on our website.