Here at Sip & Savor, we like to stay optimistic and always see the glass as half-full. We’re also realistic – and strongly believe in the old adage ‘if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.’  We’re sure everyone feels this way at some point – when seeing an ad offering a free trip around the world or reading a headline promoting a get rich fast scheme, for example. Chances are sensational assertions will not yield what they claim.

We feel this way too when we hear about proposals for soda taxes and bans which claim they will markedly reduce obesity. As we’ve stated before - soda taxes and bans won’t make people healthier – people make themselves healthier by balancing calories in with calories burned through physical activity.

Furthermore, singling out one set of products in such an overly simplistic manner only undermines efforts to combat this complex issue.  And importantly, time and time again the public has shown that they do not support these taxes and bans.

Our industry fully supports comprehensive approaches to combating obesity, which is why we’re committed to working with key stakeholders such as former President Bill Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama on meaningful solutions that will have a lasting impact.   We have already taken significant steps with the Clear on Calories labeling initiative and replacing full calorie soft drinks in schools with no- and low-calorie options through our national School Beverage Guidelines. Our member companies will continue to deliver more beverage options so everyone can make the right choice for themselves and their families.