On September 21, 1814, a young lawyer penned a poem describing what he witnessed during the Battle of Fort McHenry in the War of 1812. That young man was Francis Scott Key and the poem he wrote later became the lyrics of the national anthem of the United States: “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

Today’s anniversary is likely one that will go unnoticed by most, but that does not negate the significance of the words that Francis Scott Key wrote, or the way we feel as citizens of this great nation when we hear them. Whether at the beginning of a little league baseball game, the Super Bowl or the many other events that this song graces, we are a nation clearly proud of our history and enchanted with our traditions.

As an industry, we are also proud to be a fixture in our country’s long history. Our presence is felt in every corner of every community in America – from our products in the aisles of neighborhood stores, to our local delivery drivers who distribute them, to our support of community initiatives. We are proud to be American companies making American products with American workers in America’s hometowns. To learn more about what we are doing in your hometown, visit our Delivering Choices website or check in with us on Facebook and Twitter.