First Lady Michelle Obama celebrates the two year anniversary of her “Let’s Move!” campaign today. And we have a little something special to celebrate ourselves.  Today also marks the second anniversary of the launch of our Clear on Calories initiative - our industry’s commitment to make calories more visible and consumer friendly by putting calorie labels on the front  of every bottle, can and pack they produce.

You should be seeing our new calorie labels when you visit your local grocery or corner store.  With Clear on Calories, we’re making it easier for parents and individuals to choose the beverage that's right for them and their families. And don’t forget – our industry is providing more choices and fewer calories!

These efforts are all part of how the beverage industry is doing its part to help solve the complex problem of childhood obesity.  With our national School Beverage Guidelines, we removed full-calorie soft drinks and replaced them with more lower-calorie, smaller-portion options. The guidelines have cut beverage calories shipped to schools by 88 percent since 2004.

And you can watch our new TV ad to see how America's beverage companies are making it easier to choose the beverage that's right for you - with more choices, smaller portions, fewer calories and clear calorie labels.