“Common Sense is genius dressed in its working clothes” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Here at Sip & Savor, we are all about common sense.   After all, a little common sense can go a long way in making good decisions and keeping our heads on straight.  Today, we thought we would share a recent article with a common sense perspective on the latest New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) studies on sugar-sweetened beverages and obesity. In his article, Baylen Linnekin, the executive director of Keep Food Legal, importantly notes a discrepancy in the journal studies: that over the past decade, the consumption of full-calorie soda has declined more than 10 percent yet during the same time obesity rates have continued to rise.

Linnekin also raises an important question about the public policy demands to tax and ban sugar-sweetened beverages from the authors of the various studies and opinion pieces in NEJM:

“After all,” he writes, “we don’t have a right to free speech or to travel from one state to another because speech or travel has been proven by the scientific community to promote good health.”

We hope you take a moment to read Linnekin’s full article and check back with us here for more common sense perspective.