If you’re not currently incorporating juice into your diet, here’s some food for thought.  Adults who drink fruit juice have improved overall intake of nutrients than those who don’t, according to new research.  Presented by researchers from the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center and Baylor College of Medicine, the findings of the study were shared  earlier this week at the American Dietetic Association (ADA) Annual Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo in Boston, Mass.

According to the study’s authors, adults who didn’t drink juice were more likely to fall short of the recommended intakes for several key nutrients, including vitamins A and C, and magnesium, while those who did drink juice exceeded recommended levels of bone-building calcium and potassium.

It’s easy to start including a glass of juice into your diet.  Try a glass with breakfast in the morning, or as a healthy and delicious treat during the day.  Our member companies even make low-calorie juices if you’re trying to reduce your overall calorie intake.  For even more information on 100 percent juice, juice drinks and their ingredients, please visit the ABA’s product issue site.