By now, you've hopefully heard the speeches, studied the issues, watched the TV commercials and, perhaps even listened to the punditry.   Today, it's time to cast your ballot.

No matter the snapshot mood of the nation, there is something very constant and special about standing in line at an elementary school, church, recreational center or other venue on a brisk autumn day.  Besides making your voice heard at the ballot box, you also can re-connect with your community.   These Election Day lines come with the time-honored tradition of social networking – of the verbal kind.

And if you’re still on the fence about what candidates or ballot measures to vote for or against, there are still several easy ways to find information about candidate positions and issues, as well as polling places.  Check in with your state and local government and Board of Elections websites, local  online newspaper and TV websites, cable news websites that allow you to input your zip code and, of course, the League of Women Voters.

We at Sip & Savor hope that you will exercise your right to vote and remain engaged as the vital issues that were debated this fall play out in Congress, statehouses and city halls around the country in the year to come.