Beverage companies are committed to bringing consumers more low-and no-calorie beverage options, including bottled water and new sparkling waters. That’s why we were proud to stand with the Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) and others to launch Drink Up Los Angeles this past week.

The Drink Up campaign in Los Angeles is part of PHA’s broader Drink Up initiative aimed at increasing consumption of water. America’s beverage companies joined First Lady Michele Obama at the 2013 launch of Drink Up to make a commitment to helping encourage people to drink more water to achieve balance in their diets.

Beverage companies took their commitment to balance even further with the 2015 launch of the Balance Calories Initiative, a nationwide effort with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation to get consumers to reduce the calories and sugar they get from beverages by 20 percent. We are paying increased attention to communities such as East LA that have higher than average rates of obesity. We know that in these communities consumers lack information and access to lower-calorie options like water. Our partnerships with PHA and the Alliance will have a real impact on public health.