Sip & Savor went to see Britney Spears and the Pussycat Dolls last week when they came to Washington last week. What a great show!

One thing we noticed between nearly every song, the Pussycat Dolls reached down to get drink from a bottle of pure, refreshing, hydrating water.

They were singing and dancing under those hot stage lights, so it was no surprise that they would need a quick hit of water - and since there were no drinking fountains on stage, the bottled water really hit the spot.

Like the Pussycat Dolls, millions of people all over the country enjoy bottled water as a refreshing beverage while they're on the go. Let's face it, we all live busy lives – between working, errands, and taking the kids to their events we rarely have time to take care of ourselves. That's why so many people chose to take water with them.

But now some New York State officials want to add a burdensome tax on bottled water.

A tax that is as high as 25 percent.

A tax that would cost more than 2,000 New Yorkers their jobs.

A tax that could add more than $125 year to a family's grocery bill.

In an economy like this, the last thing government should be doing is raising taxes on middle class families.

If you live in New York State - you can call your local legislators through the switchboard to tell them that you don't want another tax on your groceries and to vote against the bottle bill.

New York Senate Switchboard: 518-455-2800

New York Assembly Switchboard: 518-455-4100

To find out whom your State representatives are go here.