You might have read in the news recently about the proposal in Baltimore City that would not only expand the existing discriminatory beverage tax from 2 cents to 5 cents per container, but also make it permanent.  It is a proposal that will further hurt Baltimore City’s retailers and soft drink manufacturers – and place an additional burden on hard-working families still caught in a difficult economy.  And that’s why members of the Stop the Baltimore City Beverage Tax coalition have renewed their opposition to this tax.

In a news release from the coalition, Sandy Vary, owner of Bel-Garden Bi-Rite Supermarket and member of the Stop the Baltimore City Beverage Tax coalition, said, “What some might not realize is that the tax has an impact that spreads beyond the beverage aisle at stores like mine – it gives our customers a reason to cross the border to do their shopping in the suburbs, further debilitating the grocers, retailers, and beverage bottlers in Baltimore City that provide good-paying jobs to hard-working residents.”

As we’ve discussed when sharing information on other discriminatory taxes on our products, this is a regressive proposal that will have a big impact on middle- and lower-income residents.

If you aren’t familiar with the history of this tax in Baltimore, a similar tax was previously put into place temporarily before it was repealed, because people spoke out so strongly against it.

Stop the Baltimore Beverage Tax is a growing coalition of concerned citizens, union workers, businesses and community organizations.  For more information about the coalition, visit their website.  We agree with the Coalition that there are better ways to deal with the very serious financial situation in Baltimore City than placing the burden on the backs of hard-working families.