As our calendars start filling with holiday parties, it’s a good idea to start thinking about how to maintain your balance while enjoying the special treats that come with the season. Maybe you’ll add in a little extra physical activity, like a game of touch football after Thanksgiving dinner. Or maybe you’ll take a stroll through your neighborhood to admire the Christmas decorations on neighbors’ houses.

Another idea is to look at beverage choices that fit your balance for the day.

UK researchers at the University of Bristol found recently that low- or no-calorie sweeteners help you find your balance. According to a story on the study, researchers found when low- and no- calorie sweeteners “replaced sugar from the diet, children and adults reduced their calories and lost weight. When beverages were sweetened with artificial sweeteners and replaced a person’s water intake, according to the findings, they cut more calories and lost more weight.”

To help Americans find their balance, beverage companies are offering smaller-portion sizes and more no- and lower-calorie options. We’re also making it easier to get the information you need by placing clear calorie information on every bottle, can and pack we produce.

So enjoy the holiday season but make sure you’re balancing everything you eat, drink and do!