With Halloween just one day away, everyone is getting ready to dress up in their costumes and enjoy some festive food and beverages!  Here at Sip & Savor, we want to remind you to balance the calories you consume from those tasty Halloween treats with your physical activity – as well as anything else you may be eating and drinking.  So if you plan on trick-or-treating or are heading to a fun Halloween event, make sure you’re thinking about ways to incorporate a little extra physical activity – even if it’s just walking an extra loop around the neighborhood or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.  It’s always important to keep your “calories in” balanced with your “calories out.”  Our member companies are doing their part to provide a wide range of choices as well as information to help consumers make the beverage choices that are right for them – on Halloween or any other day of the year.

For more information about industry’s efforts, check out DeliveringChoices.org.