If you're a frequent reader of Sip & Savor, you know we often push back on the urban legend that soda is the number one source of calories in the American diet.  And it's not like we just made that up - it's substantiated by government data.  So why is it repeatedly questioned?  We simply don't know.  So today we're happy to share with you an article out of San Francisco which supports what we've been saying all along.

Here's an excerpt of the article:

“If you've gobbled a cookie, cake, doughnut or pastry at some point during the day, you've eaten the top source of calories for the average American - both young and old - on any given day.  These treats make up more than 6 percent of the calories the average kid or adult eats daily, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  That makes these sweets, dubbed 'grain-based desserts,' the calorie leaders for both kids, ages 2-18, and adults, ages 19 and over.”

We've also heard over and over again that beverages are the top source of added sugars for children and teens.  Again, simply not true - and that's based on CDC data.  In fact, calories in the American diet from added sugars in soda have declined 39 percent in recent years, despite what you might have heard.

So the next time you hear that soda or sugar-sweetened beverages comprise the largest amount of calories or added sugars in the American diet, remember these facts.  And be sure to share this article with friends and family.