On Friday, The Root, a publication of the Washington Post Company and the leading online source of news and commentary from the African American perspective, held a series of panel discussions called Focus on Obesity as part of its “Black, Fit and Healthy” initiative.  Keynote speaker Sam Kass, White House Assistant Chef and Senior Policy Advisor for Healthy Food Initiatives, was joined by former mayors, policy professionals, health experts and an engaged audience, all of whom are committed to finding comprehensive solutions to obesity. Central to the discussion was the “commitment to understand and tackle the African-American obesity crisis, its complex causes and its implications…” Further discussion continued on Twitter #FocusOnObesity.

The beverage industry enjoyed the opportunity to take part in this important event as part of its ongoing commitment to being part of the solution to obesity. Obesity is a complex issue, but we believe lasting and meaningful solutions can be made by having stakeholders working together toward comprehensive goals.

Contrary to some critics’ beliefs, the beverage industry has already taken action. Together with our member companies, we’re delivering initiatives that have a lasting and positive impact in communities nationwide. Our national School Beverage Guidelines are in place and working.  Through the guidelines, our companies cut total beverage calories shipped to schools by a dramatic 88 percent since 2004. And we have voluntarily placed calorie information on the front of every bottle, can and pack we produce, making it easier for you to choose the beverage that’s right for you. These are meaningful solutions that have made - and will continue to make  - positive changes.

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